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Article 61: Lawful Rebellion - Who Really Has Control of This Country

Article 61: Lawful Rebellion - 'Who really has control of this country'

Article 61: Lawful Rebellion – ‘Who really has control of this country’

Since founding the TPUC some 18 moths ago now, my life has been a rollercoaster ride, with many ups and downs. I have found myself amerced in, not only the history of this country and its laws, but also more importantly one specific article found residing in a document written over 700 years ago.

In its essence article 61 is a security clause, a clause to allow the people to enter into lawful rebellion against tyranny, miss governance and most importantly slavery, rebellion and not revolution for article 61 allows for ‘NO’ violence to be offered against anyone at any time, this is why it was called the security clause.

Article 61; Lawful Rebellion is a ‘LAWFUL ACTION’ under the common law and can be invoked by anyone who resides in this country. This article does not give precedence to where you were born it gives’s precedence to where you live and if you live in this country then you can use it. This article is for all the people without exception and allows for lawfully;

1. To hinder the people of miss governance in anyway - strictly without the use of violence.

Imagine if our country was a ‘car’. Who would be the engine? And what happens to the car if the engine stops working?

Everything in this country is operated by the people of this country, everything is in ‘OUR’ control; every mode of transport, every mode of communication, every watt of electricity and every mode of essential service, EVERYTHING is in the control of the people and everything can ‘STOP’ at the will of the people.

Who really has control of this country; the government or the people?

We the working people of this country are treated like a unwanted necessity by those who miss govern us, they don't want us, but they need us and at a whim we could apply a strangle hold upon this country, the likes that has never been seen before and it can be done completely lawfully.

Gone our the day’s of politics that I nearly got sucked into a short while ago, gone are the days of political parties ever sorting this problem out for they a part of it, gone our the days of protests on the streets and gone our the days of violent revolution. We simply use the security clause and peacefully and simply shut this country down and grind it to a halt!!

What these people cannot stop is a ‘Lawful Rebellion even with all the threats in the world, for when it comes down to it, when the time is right, you can do this from the comfort of your own home, spending time with your family, knowing by this one simple action, you are part of something that will change this country, for the better, for ever.

'...violence begets violence and in turn will never cease, peace begets peace and in turn will always be...'

Lawful Rebellion = Peace


Category: Articles | Added by: JennaRose (2013-03-05)
Views: 1309 | Rating: 0.0/0
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