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Bank Account No SSN
Bank Account No SSN

From the December newsletter of The Freedom Post, 2522 No. Proctor #264,TacomaWA 98406.


OPENING A BANK ACCOUNT WITHOUT A SSN     By C. Burkholder ofHarrisburgVirginia

We have had numerous questions about opening a bank account with out the use of a Social Security Number.  While there are numerous on line accounts that might be the easiest solution, one client found this information to be useful…

"When the bank asked for a SSN to open the new bank account, I informed them that I didn’t have one.  They flatly refused and said that without a SSN, they absolutely COULD NOT open an account of any kind.  I then proceeded to convince them that they were in the wrong:

1.       I informed them that I had terminated my SSN legally in accordance with 20 CFR 3 A7 404.1905 and

2.       I informed them that the bank could not be held legally responsible by anyone for failing to obtain a SSN from me pursuant t to 31 CFR 103.34(a)(1) and

3.       I informed them that under the Internal Revenue Code Section 6041, that they were not even required to provide any taxpayer identification numbers on the Form 1099 that they file with the IRS at the  end of the year, and

4.       I informed them that pursuant to 26 CFR 301.6109-1 that they were under no legal obligation to obtain a SSN from me, and

5.       I informed them that 42 USC 408 makes it a FELONY to use threat, duress, or coercion to try to force a person by fear or deceit to provide his SSN in an unlawful manner.

After a brief meeting with the banks controller and legal counsel, I received a phone call stating that I would be allowed to open a checking account.”

Category: Articles | Added by: JennaRose (2012-07-19)
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