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Discharge Debt


When you are contracting, you can respond in either one of four ways:
1) Full Acceptance
2) Conditional Acceptance (Counter-offer)
3) Remain Silent
4) Argue/Discuss/Fight/Make Statements

With the first two categories you remain "In Honor” with the offeree and with the last two options you put yourself "In Dishonor”.

Contracts are very simple. Whether they be written, verbally exchanged, or "implied”, contracts are often legally binding, especially if they are well documented with proof.

When we get a bill in the mail for a "request” of payment, this is not a "bill” but rather a contract that you had previously entered into, and the alleger is simply attempting to enforce. However, did you know that you can write up a "counter offer”, with conditional acceptance? Often times when we receive bills or statements, or even citations, they put scary messages like "RESPOND WITHIN 10 DAYS OR………”

But, as a free and sovereign individual, with the unlimited right to contract with other free human beings, you can offer them a counter claim, and if THEY DO NOT RESPOND then you can hold them legally bound with your very own contract.

For any contract to become viable, certain evidence must be shown.

1. Full Disclosure:
2. Equal Consideration:
3. Lawful terms and Conditions:
4. Wet Signature of BOTH persons involved in the alleged contract (between two people)

If you can challenge these points with a well written affidavit, you can very well have your bills reduced or even eliminated in some cases.

Words are powerful……….use them, or else, they will be used against you.

Isn’t that what our legal system is based off anyway?

Watch the videos above and check out the rest of this website to further sharpen your common law skillsets.

- Sovereign Tactics


Category: Articles | Added by: JennaRose (2013-02-20)
Views: 1830 | Rating: 0.0/0
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