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Take Back Control Of Our Country, Our Courts, and Our Lives
Take Back Control of Our Country, Our Courts and Our Lives:  HERE'S HOW!

By:  Raymond Ronald Karczewski©

    Time has come for a Peaceful revolution to arise in these De Jure, united states of America.  Many have followed my 9 year exposure of  the Corrupt Courts of Oregon and Josephine County.
It is all documented in black and white and can be found on my Website Links at  

    The State courts are stymied on how to disarm such a devastating exposure of their criminal conduct and so have used the tactic of STONEWALLING, and ISOLATION OF NEWS to the American People.  

    Remember, We the People are the Government.  Our public servants WORK FOR US.  We are not SLAVES to our government even though many of you have been hoodwinked into believing you are slaves.  Get Rid of that notion.  IT IS AN ILLUSION.

    The Law of Commerce TRUMPS the petty rules and regulations of any and all Corporate Govrnments.  It puts you, the Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient, Natural Man and Woman on superior footing with every municipal and State Court in the land  in which you are dragged into forcibly via victimless crimes based in  corporate administrative rules which DO NO APPLY TO YOU without your consent.  See: CRUDEN V. NEALE: The Law that opens the Jail Cells of Innocent Thousands.  Use it or Lose your Freedom.

    Corporate administrative rules, regulations, and legislation do not apply to non-corporate natural people who stand in Common Law and in full legal capacity as one of the sovereign people.  The law states: "There, every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature.  He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowmen without his consent."  CRUDEN v NEALE, 2 N.C. 338 (1796) 2 S.E. 70. 

Exame these 10 Foundational Maxims of Commerce

1.  A workman is worthy of his hire.

2.  All are equal under the law (both moral and natural law).

3.  In commerce truth is sovereign.

4.  Truth is expressed by means of an affidavit.

5.  An unrebutted affidavit stands as the truth in commerce.

6.  An unrebutted affidavit becomes the judgment in commerce.

7.  A matter must be expressed to be resolved.

8.  He who leaves the field of battle first loses by default.

9.  Sacrifice is the measure of credibility (if one has neither been damaged nor incurred a risk, and is unwilling to swear an affidavit -- i.e., "true, correct, and complete," the commercial equivalent of, " the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" -- on his unlimited commercial liability for the veracity of his statements and the legitimacy of his action, he has no credibility, and therefore no basis for asserting claims/charges or claiming authority).

10.  A lien or claim can be satisfied only through rebuttal by counteraffidavit point-for-point, resolution by jury, or payment.

     It is this method,  which will allow us to take back control of our country, government and lives.  Government is the People.  Its servants are the Corporation that has sought to usurp our freedoms. I suggest that after you reread the 10 maxims of commerce listed above, then read the following links to observe the actual events as they unfolded in my 9 year stand against the corrupt politicians and cops  of Oregon :
and ultimately

   Look deeply into this "non-judicial" method of holding government officials accoutable for their actions, for therein lies the liberation of the personal and collective man.

    Accept for value any charges brought against you upon the courts offering of "Proof of Claim" accompanied by your Affidavit.  The Judges, Prosecutors MUST answer point by point the following questions accompanied by their Oath or Affidavit or submit to Commercial Dishonor and Default. 

    In Commerce, Truth is SOVEREIGN, and stand as JUDGMENT.  See above Maxims of Commerce.  Research your States Constitutions and tailor the following questions according to your states law.  

   1.  PROOF OF CLAIM on how the Oregon Constitution operates upon me, Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, a living, breathing, flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural person, the private man.

    2.  PROOF OF CLAIM on how the State statutes by and through the Oregon Legislature and the DMV operate upon me, Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, a living, breathing, flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural person, the private man.

   3.  PROOF OF CLAIM that the name appearing on the charging instrument, in capital letters; RAYMOND RONALD KARCZEWSKI, is not a corporate fiction, but is the name of the living, breathing,  flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural person, the private man in his private capacity.

    4.  PROOF OF CLAIM that the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) describe any other class of license other than for commerce or for commercial trade, occupation or profession.

    5.  PROOF OF CLAIM  that this private man is specifically named in the Oregon State Statutes and more specifically ORS cites as applied in this matter.  (See the PEOPLE v. HERKIMER, 15 Am Dec 379, 4 Cowen (N.Y. 345, 348 (1825)

    6.   PROOF OF CLAIM that the STATE OF OREGON, in its Corporate capacity, has Jurisdiction over this living, breathing, flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural person/private man, the Secured Party, Raymond Ronald Karczewski© in his private capacity unless consented to, and/or contracted for, by that natural person/private man.

    7.  PROOF OF CLAIM that the COUNTY OF JOSEPHINE, in its Corporate capacity, has Jurisdiction over this living, breathing, flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural person/private man, the Secured Party, Raymond Ronald Karczewski© in his private capacity unless consented to, and/or contracted for, by that natural person/private man.

    8.   PROOF OF CLAIM that all "Officers of the Court," which  include members of the JOSEPHINE COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S staff, are under oath of office to support and defend both U.S. and OREGON Constitutions.

    9.   PROOF OF CLAIM that Deputies and/or Jail Staff, in their  capacity as Agents for the CORPORATE JOSEPHINE COUNTY SHERIFF'S
DEPARTMENT, are bound by their oath of office to support and defend both U.S. and OREGON Constitutions.

    10.   PROOF OF CLAIM that the CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR JOSEPHINE COUNTY, in its Corporate capacity, has Jurisdiction over this living, breathing, flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural  person/private man, the Secured Party, Raymond Ronald Karczewski© in his private capacity unless consented to, and/or contracted for, by that natural person/private man.

    11.   PROOF OF CLAIM of the existence of the liability and how it was created.

    12.   PROOF OF CLAIM of what 'state' the liability came from, the de jure state ('The State') or the de-facto state ('This State'), a mere corporation.

    13.   PROOF OF CLAIM that the State of Oregon DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DMV, through its Administrative Drivers Licensing process, has Jurisdiction over this living, breathing, flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural person/private man, the Secured Party, Raymond Ronald Karczewski© in his private capacity unless consented to, and/or contracted for, by that natural person/private man.
    14.  PROOF OF CLAIM that in my private capacity, that I, Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, a living, breathing, flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural person, the private man, is subject to Class A, B, and C commercial driver license.
   15. PROOF OF CLAIM that the State of Oregon via the DMV sells any other ‘driver’ license.

    16.  PROOF OF CLAIM that the Motor Vehicle code does not operate upon all ‘drivers’ of ‘all’ vehicles owned or operated by ‘the United States,’ ‘this state,’ ‘or any county,’ ‘city,’ ‘district,’ ‘or any other political subdivision of this state’ … and thus operates upon this private man. (see ORS 801.020)

    17.  PROOF OF CLAIM that my ‘private' vehicle is not a ‘recreational’ vehicle that is operated solely for personal (private) use. (see ORS 801.208)

    18.  PROOF OF CLAIM that my ‘private' vehicle is used for the transportation of persons for compensation or profit, or designed or used primarily for the transportation of property (for hire). (see ORS 801.210)

    19. PROOF OF CLAIM that Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, a living, breathing, flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural person, the private man, was a licensee at the time of the ‘stop’ to subject himself to the motor vehicle code by agreement and as a signatory. (see Vehicle Traffic Law, 1974 Rev Ed., page 238, 239)

    20. PROOF OF CLAIM that, "In view of this rule a statutory provision that the supervision officials "may” exempt such persons when the transportation is not on a commercial basis means that they "must” exempt them, generally applies in this matter.  (State v. Johnson, 243 P. 1073; 60 C.J.S. section 94 pg 581)

    21. PROOF OF CLAIM that Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, a living, breathing, flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural person, the private man, does not have the right in light of ORS 801.305.

    22. PROOF OF CLAIM that the ‘entity’ bringing forth this claim can testify on the witness-stand of the same and bring all relevant evidence.

    23. PROOF OF CLAIM that the prosecutor, as an agent of the State, has established a ‘liability bond’ in this action to indemnify Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, a living, breathing, flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural person, the private man, in the event of any damnification.

    Then state the terms of the Commercial Contract you are striking with the Courts and Public Officials such as:  
 The Secured Party/Creditor Raymond Ronald Karczewski©  asks that you answer these Jurisdictional questions regarding this Natural Man Raymond Ronald Karczewski within 10 days of receipt of this certified mailing.  A non-response and/or failure to provide proof of claim accompanied by your oath or affidavit will constitute agreement that charges brought against this living, breathing, flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural man, Creditor and Secured Party, Raymond Ronald Karczewski© are unfounded in common law and that Secured Party/Creditor's position is True and Lawful, and his Unalienable Right to Liberty which includes the Right to Travel is being systematically infringed upon by the Josephine County Sheriff's deputies  and OREGON STATE POLICE officers and  backed up by the Josephine County Courts.

    Failure and/or refusal to bring forth such ‘proof of claim’ within 10 days of receipt of this notice will jointly place each of you  in commercial dishonor, and thus constitute an admission of damage and injury to Raymond Ronald ©, a living, breathing, flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural man in the amount of $2,000,000.00 (Two Million Dollars)  

    Remember, you must be harmed in some way, to have standing in court. (False arrest, assault, false imprisonment, etc.)  to utilize this formula for freedom.

    In my case, I,  Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, this Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient, Natural Man have used this formula for the last nine years.  I, this living man, and it, the legal procedure have been tested thoroughly by the Corrupt Courts of Oregon and Josephine County, Jailed, for 128 days awaiting 2 trials, 121 of them in "THE HOLE" Solitary Confinement. Was offered a plea bargain for time served instead of the 35 to 40 years in prison I was threatened with if only I signed their contract.  Went on two combined Hunger strikes amounting to 55 days, which brought me to the brink of Death.  Went through 20 plus hearings and Two Trials, demanding the questions of jurisdiction be answered which the courts would not, and when it came time for sentencing, I REFUSED to accept their offer of Sentencing because they had not ever proved JURISDICTION.  (HAVE NOT TO THIS VERY DAY)  My vow was that I would leave their custody walking out as a Free man or they would carry me out a dead man.  I refused all of their offers to release me from custody conditionally. 

    As a result, despite two convictions against the government created fictional Jurisistic Person/Defendant whose name was spelled in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS and similar in spelling and sounding (Idem Sonans) of my name, but was not me, the living man, They THREW ME OUT OF JAIL, with no Charges hanging over the head of this Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient, Natural Man.   That is what it took for this Living man to show the people of this country the fictions of their courts.  

    Oregon Law Enforcement WILL NOT ARREST ME today, nor will they bring me before a Court, for the questions of JURISDICTION loom over their heads, and they CANNOT answer it without their whole criminal HOUSE OF CARDS come tumbling down.

    They have succeeded in continuing their Criminal Enterprise because I am just One Man and they control the Media in reporting the events in a manner which had nothing to do with the Truth of the Actual Events.  

    Divide, Isolate, and Conquer.  That was the tactic used.  They however would be at the mercy of the We the People, the True Government, should a mass approach to court appearances follow the successful formula used above.  

    For all of you armchair "Monday morning quarterbacks" out there, it is time for action, not further IDLE TALK.  

    I am LIVING PROOF that this puts the power of our country and our personal destinies in the hands where it belongs, YOU AND I -- WE THE PEOPLE.

Listen to the rest of my "U-Tube Videos For Patriots"

Raymond Ronald Karczewski©

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