The Spoonfed Truth was created to explore new ideas, uncover hidden and commonly unknown facts, to offer an alternative awareness with the hopes of expanding one's consciousness, potentially shattering preconceived notions that no longer serve, and allowing new truths and concepts to surface that may be rejected, ignored, or perpetuated by mass media, government, archaic education systems, and suppressed science, etc.
Here you will find a wealth of information. Many objective views are provided in the form of links and articles that may not necessarily agree with one another, nor with your own personal views at this time. Different views of the same subjects may be found, to provide you with the chance to see both sides of an alternative coin. Above all, the goal is to teach others to think for themselves, using that thing we call a mind. To change our minds from OUTPUT, the regurgitating of Spoonfed bullshit, to INPUT, where we can rationalize, contemplate, and decide for ourselves what is 'the truth'.
No one hoards knowledge unless for personal gain, so all information here is free to the public, and desires to be spread to the masses, in which ever way it can. Feel free to copy and paste or share anything on this website.
I must state that none of this shall be construed as legal advice. Everything provided on this site is meant for educational and informative purposes. Use of any information provided is at your own risk. While some stances are simply opinion, other information may be truth that is simply NOT acknowledged by the powers at be. That information, because it is ignored or unknown, may thus seem false if it's denied by a person of authority. Bluntly, just because there is truth in freedom does not mean that the judges, lawyers, and policy officers, I mean police officers (not at all the same as a peace officer) are going to be on the side of someone standing against the status quo. It also does not mean that they are educated to know the truth themselves.
The Spoonfed Truth wishes all of you luck on your adventures of truth-gaining, freedom-fighting, and life changing revelations. May fear have no power over you, while wisdom does the rest.
"The mark of a stupid man is not that he does not know, it is that he does not want to know." - Michael H. Keehn
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