"It is not enough for journalists to see themselves as mere messengers without understanding
the hidden agendas of the message and myths that surround it."
John Pilger
"The news and truth are not the same thing."
Walter Lippmann, American journalist, 1889-1974
"Not every item of news should be published.
Rather must those who control news policies endeavor to make every item of news serve a certain purpose."
Joseph Paul Goebbels
Nazi Propaganda Minister
"News is what someone wants to suppress. Everything else is advertising."
Rubin Frank,
former president NBC News
There is no independent press, and there is no objective mass media.
The mainstream media are controlled by the 'elite'. They are the ones who decide what will be printed in the press, and what will be announced in the News. This means that our reality is severely distorted by lies, half truths and propaganda that these people feed us with on a daily basis.
When the heads of the media also attend the same meetings as the Elite businessmen (Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission and Council of Foreign Relations) and nothing that is discussed on these meetings can be revealed outside those doors, we understand that the media is not there for us, but for them.
The Rothschilds own Associated Press and Reuters, the two largest news organizations in the world. Reuters is "the world’s largest international multimedia news organization,” and AP boasts being, "the backbone of the world's information system serving thousands of daily newspaper, radio, television and online customers with coverage in all media and news in all formats. It is the largest and oldest news organization in the world, serving as a source of news, photos, graphics, audio and video.”
The Rothschilds own Associated Press and Reuters, the two largest news organizations in the world. Reuters is "the world’s largest international multimedia news organization,” and AP boasts being, "the backbone of the world's information system serving thousands of daily newspaper, radio, television and online customers with coverage in all media and news in all formats. It is the largest and oldest news organization in the world, serving as a source of news, photos, graphics, audio and video.”
Past and present members of the globalist secret societies Bilderberg, CFR, and Trilateral Commission have headed the following media giants:
New York Times
New York Post
Washington Post
Washington Times
L.A. Times
Wall Street Journal
Business Week
National Review
Reader’s Digest
U.S. News & World Report
Atlantic Monthly
World Review
Scientific American
Sesame Street (CTVW)
Many minor media newspapers/publishers are CFR owned as well, for instance:
Arkansas Gazette
Des Moines Register
Des Moines Tribune
Guy Gannett Co.
Houston Post
Minneapolis Star
Minneapolis Tribune
Denver Post
Louisville Courier
CFR owned book publishers include,
Random House
Simon & Schuster
Harper Brothers
Little Brown & Co.
Viking Press
IBM Publishing and Printing
Xerox Corp.
Yale University Press
Harper & Row,
...many of which specialize in children’s textbooks.
...many of which specialize in children’s textbooks.
"Furthermore, sitting on the boards of directors of the corporations which own the media are secret society members.
Some of the well-known reporters, anchors, and columnists who are members of the CFR and/or the Trilateral Commission include,
Dan Rather
Bill Meyers
C.C. Collinwood
Diane Sawyer
David Brinkley
Ted Koppel
Barbara Walters
John Chancellor
Marvin Kalb
Daniel Schorr
Joseph Kraft
James Reston
Max Frankel
David Halberstram
Harrison Salisbury
A. Ochs Sulzberger
Sol Linowitz
Nicholas Katzenbach
George Will
Tom Brokaw
Robert McNeil
David Gergen
Mortimer Zuckerman
Georgie Ann Geyer
Ben J. Wattenberg,
...and many others.
25 Rules of Suppressing The Truth - The Rules of Disinformation PDF
Awesome Destructive Power of The Corporate Power Media
FEMA Looking to Track Nationwide News Coverage of Their Activities Around the Clock