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National Security Whistle-blowers Coalition
Here to address the nation's biggest security weaknesses, inform authority of security vulnerabilities
in intelligence agencies, power plants, weapon facilaties, our nations borders and more.

Natural Life Magazine
Magazine about developing positive alternatives and a more sustainable, just, healthy world

Natural Person 
Non-profit site educating about the differences between human-beings, natural persons and artificial persons.

Visionary metaphysical artist.

Never NWO
Exposing the satanic conspiracy to rule the world

The New American is another excellent conservative Patriot magazine. It covers all issues relevant to the Patriot cause.

Ancient wisdom, new thinking. Paranomal, spiritual, science, history, government, secret societies, health and much more.

The New Enlightenment
Political, Economical and Social Essays as well as Philosophical, Spiritual, and Artistic Essays.

The New People Order
They own it all, including you!

News For The Soul
Familiar with George Orwell's 1984? Language has been used against us. He called it newspeak.

Where reality shatters illusion

Stop the database state!

Freethinkers information on history, religion, science, and philosophy, with articles and links.

Bringing you the real news

No One To Vote For
Blogspot on government and political issues, current events, and more

A libertarian no-state freedom site

The Online Freedom Academy
Freedom, Government, War, Money, Taxes, Justice, Religion, Economics, etc.

Opening The Government
Americans for less secrecy!

Open Your Mind Radio
"Open Your Mind" radio was setup to discuss all matters relating to the what we preceive as reality.

Your guide to money in U.S elections

Many topics such as NWO, False flag terrorism, Illuminati, 9/11, Iran and Israel news, Masonic conspiracy and more.

Paranoia Magazine
Online Conspiracy Magazine

The PATRICK Crusade
Sections on Money, Alternative Energy, Health, War, Technology, and more. 

People's Awareness Coalition
Providing Constitutional Education and political insights since 1998.

"Because these are not the trade secrets of attorneys."

Articles and documents on true freedom

Freedom, Sovereignty, Law, Free PDF's, Links, Secret Societies and More.

Perceptions by Michael H. Keehn
Dedicated to those whose hearts seek freedom
Information on health, hemp, etc, with articles 
Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy

The Power Hour
An informed citizen is freedom's best friend and a controlled citizen is our worst enemy!

Power of Prophecy

Pupp's Theories
Renewable Energy, Earth changes, crimes against humanity, chemtrails, conspiracies, 9/11, ancient history, UFO's, and paranormal.

Preparedness, survival, and alternative news

The Price of Liberty
Subjects on liberty and justice and the lack of it in the world today 

Prison Planet
Another Alex Jones website. Features archives, special reports, top stories and links.

Tons of information, interviews, and articles on subjects about government, spirituality, esoteric, and more

Project Freeman
Freeman research and information.

A libertarian blogsite

All the conspiracies tie into one MONSTER conspiracy. The return of the Destroyer, otherwise known as Nibiru, Planet X, etc.

Radio Liberty
Bringing you the Story behind the Story, the News behind the News.

Exposing government conspiracies

Rational Review
The premier libertarian web journal - New politics for a new century

Collection of links to news, opinions, analysis and videos

Reality Bytes
Blog about freedom, the Corporate Government, Common Law, etc. 

Reality Blogger
Government conspiracy and fraud, Agenda 21, Taxes, Money, 9/11, and many other subjects covered.

Reality Zone
Freedom issues, unfiltered news, money & banking, health issues, and audio archives

The Reality Zone
Population Control, Government, Justice, Legal Research, Health, Corporate Rule, and more. 

The Real Deal With Jim Fetzer
Podcasts on various subjects such as Health, Truth, Politics, 9/11, UFOs, Police Power, and more.

Reality Choice
Draw a parallel between two visions of the world, two realities through the news.
Reflection and exchange of views on human reality and our relationship to the world.

The Real Truth
Law information, Health, Right to Travel, Freedom, Real ID,  land links.

Reclaim Democracy
Restoring citizen authority over corporations

The Redemption Manual
Step by step guide to reclaiming your personal freedom 

Red Ice Creations
News website and radio program. Geopolitics, secret societies, health, history, zionism, GMOs, NWO, psychology, and much more.

Remnant Of God
From a Christian stand-point the site provides articles, news, and links. 
Has a large section on prophesy and the Roman Catholic Church

News on Health, Freedom, Money, Politics, Agenda 21, and to many other subjects to list

For freedom of information, and those who risk their freedom to tell the truth

Real news, real talk, real people. because you Can Handle the Truth

Revolution Harry
Blog on various subjects: The truth movement, New World Order, Freemasonry, Illuminati, Mind Control, Esoteric Knowledge and much more

Independence forever. Articles on politics, government, technology, health, videos, audio, and links

Alternative news, mind control, 9/11, human trafficking and more

Roger Sherman Society
Articles, and info, history, prophecy, money, self-improvement, with links and resources

The Spoonfed Truth Facebook
All Laws Exist In A Fiction
Gullibility Factor Test
Who Is Running America
The Truth About The British Monarchy
Requirement For Consent
Corporate Government
Dispatch of Merchants
A Primer On Martial Law
How We Give Our Power Away
The Mark of the Beast
Freedom From De Facto Laws
  • Build Freedom
  • Freedom School
  • Four Winds
  • Sovereign Education
  • Foundation Of Truth
  • Search
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