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A Layman Asks Judge To Uphold Oath in Court
Magistrates court is a Court De Facto.
Do not give consent to a commercial court.
All those assuming Judicial authority have to swear and oath to uphold the Constitution.  
They have NO authority to enforce commercial law, the law of the sea.. unless YOU consent. 

They are OBLIGED to HONOR THEIR OATH when requested, and produce evidence of their oath on demand. 

Layman: I am the lay representative appointed by the agent for Mr. John Doe who is here with us today Sir.

CLERK: Are you a solicitor or Barrister Sir

Layman: Sorry?

CLERK: Repeats question..

Layman: I am the lay advisor sir appointed by the

CLERK (interuppts): You may sit next to him you may not address the court and i'm not prepared to let you do so.

CLERK: Is Mr. Barry here? Please. 

Layman: We claim common law jurisdiction, sir. 

CLERK: Is Mr. Barry present.

Layman: Mr Barry is here in the court sir. 
Layman askes "have you got your birth certificate"

CLERK: Oh no
Clerk then abandons the court.

"Mr. John Doe" is a given as a birth certificate. Mr. John Doe is a birth certificate. Pull in full view for the Clerk and Court to see. 

Layman: Has he abandoned the court?

The clerk abandons the court, then returns with the magistrates. 

Lady usher: Stand Please. .. Stand Please.

The members of the public showed that they did not consent to the jurisdiction of a commercial court. They did not stand when the magistrates entered the room. The layman then make it clear that common law jurisdiction was being claimed. 

The layman repeatedly asks the magistrates if they are on oath. 

They do not honor their oath because they are purely there for issuing summary judgement for PROFIT. 

In this case, for themselves, the council and of course the commercial court. 

Layman: We claim common law jurisdiction

CLERK: Leave the court please, or I will have you arrested. 

Layman: Sir, are you here on your oath today?

CLERK: Security to court number one, please

Again Layman asks if he is there on his oath.

CLERK: Those of you who wish to remain please stand, those of you who do not wish to remain, will leave the court with security.

This is when the CLERK reverts to issuing orders to gain jurisdiction, but the public gallery and the layman stand their ground

Jurisdiction has again, been denied.

Again layman asks if the judge is there on their oath.

CLERK: You have no right to address this court.  Everyone who is sitting will leave the court please.
Be quiet! 

He's trying anything to gain jurisdiction, by assuming the layman is standing for the magistrates which would give them jurisdiction.. The clerk regains some honor by advising the magistrate the lay adviser was already standing (and standing under common law) when the magistrates entered the court. 

Layman: Are you refusing to say you are on oath madam, sir, then we'll call a constable and have you arrested. 

CLERK: The magistrates have ordered this man removed.

The magistrates have abandoned the court as they have not gained jurisdiction, and therefore have no authority, and neither does the clerk!

They still attempt to have the layman removed.

Layman: Sir if you lay a finger on me I will sue you for assault under common law. 

Steward (Baliff): Can he do that?

Yes he can. The Clerk fails to address this question. 
The lay advisor repeats his request for a constable to be called to the court. The court clerk then advises that the police have already been called. This is not the case, as only a member of the public gallery had at this point called the police. 

They continue to try to remove the layman. 

Layman: The magistrates have not offered their oath. 

They come after him

Layman: Do not touch me. I do not authorize you to touch me. 

It is not left to the stewards to do the clerks dirty work. Then it seems the court ushers calls the police finally.
The lay adviser retrieves the birth certificate (Mr. John Doe) the PERSON that was summoned to appear in the court. 
The steward then looks bewildered, but did the right thing by not using force.  He makes peace with the layman. A few minutes later the police arrive.

Layman: Allegedly someone is purporting to be a magistrate. 

The officer listens as the lay adviser explains he has asked for the magistrates oath and there has been no breach of the peace.  The officer (constable) has been asked by the lay advisor to uphold the law of the land, which he does, and is now acting as a peace officer.  He then explains the situation to his men and asks them to stand down. However the sergeant claims that the court belongs to the magistrates, which is untrue. 

Layman: I have a lawful right, in common law to prove that the person who gave that order has the lawful authority to give that order by seeing their oath. 

The lay adviser asks for the written order from the "magistrates", to be produced before he leaves the court. Sergeant agrees and goes to get the order. 

20 minutes later sergeant returns without a written order. He keeps implying that the law society will investigate any grievance! He returned twice more WITHOUT THE WRITTEN ORDER!  

Mr. John Doe.. the legal fiction (birth certificate) is once again produced in court, for and on the record. 

CLERK: Is anyone in this court room prepared to identify themselves as John Doe?

Lay advisor informs the CLERK that JOHN DOE has been presented to the court, for and on the record. 

CLERK: Nobody in this room is now is Mr. JOHN DOE?

Layman: would you like me to bring Mr. JOHN DOE to the court sir?

CLERK: I am going to call him one more time, .. John DOE!

Layman: Sir I've presented Mr. John Doe to the court.

The clerk tries to get those who were not JOHN DOE to stand..   

The clerk asks for those who did not stand to leave or be removed, the constables honor their oaths by not responding to the clerks "orders"..

Layman: This is Mr. John Doe. A legal fiction created by..  

CLERK: (interuppts) You've been asked to leave the court. I've called Mr. John Doe. 

Layman: Mr. John Doe IS in the court!

The layman askes again for the written order and states again that Mr. John Doe is in the court.
The Constable goes to the magistrates to try once again for the written order.

Layman: I am now revovering Mr. John Doe from the court." 

Solicitor: Where is he?

Layman: This is Mr. Stephen Barry here.  (shows birth certificate to Solicitor)

Sergeant returns for the last time with NO WRITTEN ORDER. Once again lay adviser asks for the written order.. A yes or no would suffice. But sergeant is still in full bill shit mode.. As there is no written order! ... 

CLERK: Stephen Barry to court one please

Layman: Are you able to witness that I have presented John Doe to the court. 

Mr. John Doe, the legal fiction (birth certificate) is once again produced in court, for and on the record. 

The court asks everyone to stand.. Those in the public gallery remain seated to deny corporate court jurisdiction. 

CLERK: Can I ask John Doe to identify himself please?

Layman: I am the lay agent for John Doe, he is present in the court represented by the legal fiction represented by the birth certificate

CLERK: Is the person John Doe Here?

Layman: That is the legal person, sir.

CLERK to MAGISTRATE: We do not appear to have the respondent in court

The magistrate then asks all those seated in the public gallery to leave, which of course they do not, as it would give the magistrate jurisdiction..

The lay adviser aks if we are in contempt, magistrate then repeats that we should leave the court.

This would enable jurisdiction and get us all thrown in the cells!

The magistrate then throws in the old contempt of court chestnut; Yet they still have no jurisdiction!

The magistrates then throw in the towel and abandon the court for the last time!

Layman: The court takes judicial notice that the magistrates have abandoned the court.. I am therefore the highest authority in this court, therefore we dismiss the case.

As the magistrates have abandoned the court, for the third time, and have never had jurisdiction, the layman informs the court he is now the highest authority and leads the lay advisers out of court. 

The only jurisdiction in the court was therefore common law and when the police constables honored their oaths. Case dismissed under common law. 

The clerk and magistrates failed in all their attempts to get jurisdiction. The legal fiction appeared in court three times The lay adviser remained in control of the court. The magistrates could not make a judgement and threw in the towel. The alleged offences committed by the clerk, solicitors, magistrates and council include; conspiracy to defraud, Fraud, Obstruction, Perjury, Dereliction of duty, deception, treason, and wasting police time. 

Source: Video -

Category: Articles | Added by: JennaRose (2013-02-19)
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