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Abundance Is Our Divine Birthright


by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
PO Box 41883, Tucson AZ 85717
520-885-7909 -- FAX 520-749-6643 
Abundance is our Divine Birthright, and circumstances are now perfect for us to reclaim our God-given heritage of prosperity.

In the 1980's, we reached into the depths of lack and limitation. People began to believe that America and the World were in a state of decline.

It was a very unique time on Earth, often a confusing and frightening time. Through the advancement of modern technology, we had instant Global communication, and we were constantly being informed of the extreme imbalances appearing on the screen of life. We saw lack and limitation manifesting everywhere. We saw hunger, homelessness and all manner of poverty. We heard dire reports of economic failure, such as the demise of the savings and loan companies and the crash of the stock market. The terms foreclosure, bankruptcy and recession became household words. Companies went out of business daily, and the jobless rate increased. There was a prevailing sense of uncertainty and fear that ran through all economic circles and the general public as well. This sense of fear created a consciousness of panic that caused people to cast caution to the wind, and the insidious influence of greed and selfishness tightened its paralyzing grip. When that occurred, integrity and social conscience were swept aside. The environment was ignored, and the well-being of Humanity and the Earth Herself were jeopardized in pursuit of the almighty dollar. From outer appearances it looked as if the economy was "going to hell in a hand basket," but nothing could have been further from the Truth.

In actuality, the negative patterns of poverty, greed, corruption, selfishness, etc., were being pushed to the surface in the 1980s by the increasing influx of God's Light. The Divine Intent was to create a catalyst that would shift Humanity's consciousness and motivate people into action. It seems as though we use pain as our greatest motivator, so as we experienced the full brunt of poverty, either personally or by observing the plight of others, millions of people were inspired to invoke the Light of God to transmute and heal the maladies of lack and limitation. As Awakening Humanity invoked Light into the dire situations surfacing in people's lives, we cleared the way for Prosperity Consciousness to be reborn.

Now we are witnessing the initial impulse of a Global economic boom. This boom has the potential of reaching a scale never before experienced. We are in a period of sustained growth that visionary economists perceive could double the World's economy every dozen years and bring prosperity to literally billions of people on Earth.

Just imagine, we are standing on the threshold of an economic explosion that will do much to solve the seemingly insurmountable problem of poverty and ease tensions throughout the World.

This phenomenon is not just a fluke. It is part of a Divine Plan that is being orchestrated by God and the entire Company of Heaven as They work in harmony and unison with Awakening Humanity. This plan has been gradually unfolding for millennia. The purging that took place throughout the economic world was a necessary, critical part of the planetary transformation that is now at hand.

For aeons of time the monetary system of the World has been abused. Instead of the natural exchange of give-and-take, based on the principle of always working toward the highest good for all concerned, the wealth of the World has been used by the elite few to manipulate, dominate, oppress and control the multitudes.

Money has been such a source of pain and suffering throughout history that religious orders in both Eastern and Western cultures considered money itself to be innately evil. They, thereby, denounced it and actually took vows of poverty. This action gave the Spiritual aspirants of the World the message that somehow poverty was a virtue. Interestingly, this belief system perpetuated the schism between the haves and the have-nots. It also created a phenomenon that intensified the abuse of money. The people who were truly seeking greater levels of Truth to improve the quality of life on the Planet and those who were genuinely striving toward Spiritual growth and self-mastery were being taught by the world religions that money was evil and should not be acquired. That belief left the money in the hands of those who were not pursuing the highest good for all, but rather pursuing the self-indulgent gratification of greed and power. Because the abuse of money has been the order of the day on Earth for literally millennia, we probably all have etheric records and memories of times when we either abused our wealth or when others used their wealth to abuse us. These etheric records vibrate at a subconscious level, but they can be very effective at repelling money away from us. In either case, whether we were the abused or the abuser, or on occasion both, the message was that money is a source of pain. It is very hard to get past that subconscious block and allow money into our lives when we keep associating money with pain.

This is truly a Cosmic Moment on Earth, a moment being referred to as the dawn of the Permanent Golden Age. In this dawning Age, it has been decreed by Divine Fiat that Heaven shall manifest on Earth. As you can well imagine, poverty, homelessness, lack and limitation do not exist in Heaven. Consequently, that means that they will not exist on Earth either when the transformation is complete. But what we must realize is that those maladies are not going to be eliminated because some one waves a wand and magically makes them disappear. They are going to be eliminated because you and I and every other person evolving on Earth learn to apply the Laws of Prosperity accurately and effectively in our lives.

At any given moment our environment is reflecting a sum total of our thoughts, words, actions, feelings and beliefs. The World at large is a reflection of Humanity's consciousness. The remaining negative experiences of lack and limitation occurring in our personal lives and in the Global economy are not the result of God punishing us for our past abuse of money as some are indicating. It is merely our own energy returning to us to allow us to experience the results of our actions. At this critical time of change, if there is any area in our lives in which we are not reaching our highest potential, it is being pushed to the surface in such a way that we don't have any choice but to face it and deal with it. We are no longer being allowed by our Higher Selves to stuff or deny our problems. Needless to say, poverty is a problem, and it is surfacing in the lives of those whose thoughts, words, actions and feelings are based in poverty consciousness. As long as we are comfortable, we are willing to stagnate forever, but when we experience a real crisis in our lives, we frantically try to alleviate it. We strayed from the original Divine Plan as far as money goes, but we are now clearing up our past mistakes and getting back on track.

The imbalance and failure of our economic system was brought to our awareness through the media so that we could clearly see the error of our ways of greed and selfishness. Now, through greater insight and understanding, we will create an economic system that reflects a reverence for ALL life and the highest good for all concerned.

Abundance is actually our natural state of Being. The supply of the Universe is limitless. When the Earth was created, God provided Humanity with everything we needed to abide in this verdant paradise of splendor, including the knowledge and wisdom to sustain a life of prosperity and abundance. It was only when we began to use our gift of free will to express thoughts and feelings that reflected a consciousness of less than prosperity that we began to experience lack and limitation.

We must remember that our thoughts are creative. Whatever we put our attention and energy into, whatever we think and feel, we bring into form. When Humanity began to express thoughts and feelings of fear and lack, these discordant vibrations began to reflect on the atomic substance of physical matter. Then, instead of the continual manifestation of the God Supply of all good things, we began to experience extreme imbalances and impoverishment. The Elemental Kingdom, which always reflect Humanity's consciousness, began to show signs of decay and degeneration. Floods, famines, droughts and pestilence became the order of the day. The people evolving on Earth observed the changes taking place, and they became more fearful and confused. This negative state of consciousness perpetuated even greater degrees of lack and scarcity. Thus, over eons of time, Humanity created a building momentum of poverty consciousness. We became deeply entrenched in the discordant thought forms of limitation. We observed the indigence of the outer world and accepted it as our natural state of Being. We forgot that we are co-creators in our Earthly experience. We lost the awareness that the things occurring in our lives are merely a reflection of our thoughts, words, feelings, actions and beliefs. Instead, we looked at the poverty of the World and tried to justify it by proclaiming it to be, of all things, God's Will. We felt victimized and tried to outsmart our so-called lot in life. We became conniving and deceitful. We believed that the only way we could have enough was to take things away from others. This attitude became the basis for war, crime, corruption, greed and selfishness. The momentum of poverty consciousness increased throughout the Ages, and day-by-day, we methodically sank into our present level of degradation.

If we will objectively observe the negative things occurring in the World, we will see that almost every single destructive expression of life is, in some way, reflecting a belief in lack and limitation and also reflecting the actions of greed and selfishness that naturally accompany that belief system. This material spiral into oblivion is now coming to an end. It is critical, for the survival of the Planet, that we stop our distorted acceptance of poverty and begin clearly and effectively developing a Consciousness of Prosperity. Poverty is in absolute opposition to the Divine Plan for the Earth and all of Humanity. Poverty cannot exist in the presence of Light, and the Earth is destined to be a Planet of Light.

Through the Power of God anchored in my Heart and within the Hearts of ALL Humanity, I invoke the Divine Flames of Gratitude and Acceptance. Precious Sacred Fire, blaze in, through and around every electron of my Being. Flood my consciousness with Gratitude for and the acceptance of God's Limitless Flow of Abundance. Lift me into the Realms of Truth, and Bless me with the clear Inner Knowing that the God Supply of all good things is my Divine Birthright.

I relinquish now, in the Name of God, all of the power I have ever given to lack and limitation through my thoughts, words, actions or feelings.

I relinquish now, in the Name of God, all of the beliefs I have ever had that are based in poverty consciousness.

In deep Humility and Gratitude, I consecrate and dedicate my very life to be the open door through which God's Limitless Abundance will flow to Bless me, my family, friends, co-workers and ALL Humanity.

As I think, speak, feel and act, the Presence of God within me is expanding God's Gift of Prosperity to all life evolving on Earth.

I AM an Awakened Light Being! I Gratefully accept God's Gift of Prosperity and Limitless Abundance!

And So It Is!



CcanExcerpts from the book It Is Time For YOU To Be Financially Free by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Category: Articles | Added by: JennaRose (2012-07-19)
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