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Accepted For Value: The Dishonor Continues Now Comes the Remedy

Accepted For Value Part 3

Accepted For Value Part 3
The Dishonour Continues and now comes the remedy
Article by Guy Euden
Hello once again, here is an update on the AFV saga.
Ok, as you know I had a technical climb down on one (Wandsworth Council) and that is all finished.
The one I am executing for my father has proven to be far more dishonourable.
"Doug Patterson” the CEO of the run for profit organisation London Borough of Bromley and his agent Ben Stephens have issued a letter in response to my last notice as seen below, yes they spelt the name wrong :)
Note the threat "I must also advise you" blah blah (boy have they got a surprise coming :).....)

Ok as you can see in the letter under no uncertain terms neither the CEO nor the agent knows what he is doing and so I have only one possible recourse.
Lets recap!
A proposed liability statement (penalty charge notice) was issued against the Vehicle owned by the DVLA (who retains the equitable title) and you are issued with the PCN for payment.
How is this robbery done, after all, just like the maxim says : Catalla just possessa amitti non possunt. Chattels justly possessed cannot be lost. Jenk. Cent. 28.
What occurs here is that you as you should already know register the vehicle and thus voluntarily hand over equitable title of that vehicle to the DVLA, they then issue you with a usury  title or V5C for a registered keeper.
So in fact they are not taking your property they are taking theirs (ok I know you already know all this)
So these guys have attached a public proposed liability via a run for profit organisation called The "London Borough of Bromley” they have issued the notice and they have after an allotted time filed it with the "Northampton County Court Bulk Clearance Centre” which is run by:
K. Fraser d/b/a Centre Manager Northampton County Court Bulk Centre.
4th floor, St Katharine's House,
21-27 St Katharine's Street,
Now what they do is then simply electronically file a claim and voila you have now got a fine attached to the DVLA’s property, now the DVLA doesn’t want this to happen, so being a public vehicle it will allow the bailiffs to lift the vehicle, this would actually be stealing if you had equitable title and they could do nothing about it!
So the vehicle you paid many many debt notes for which were earned by your sweat equity (hard labour) has been given to the DVLA voluntarily by you,, OOOOPS
Now, to sum up the story so far:
I have AFV’d the proposed liability statement twice, both times it was dishonoured yet kept! DOUBLE DISHONOUR!!
The third time it was returned and dishonoured UH OH!
First Treasury Liquidation was not returned so that constituted the Treasury’s acceptance to fulfil my instructions, however it was still ignored by Doug Patterson who was copied in on the liquidation.
He then sent us an order to pay, most amusing, you have seen it, it’s the one in the (part 2) article.
It clearly states that it is an order to pay, and yet carries the powers of the phony bulk clearing court blah blah, which is not a court at all and it does not even have a case number.
You wish to see just what a criminal outfit this is look here:
The last one having some of the rules of the practice, I like in particular this one under: "claims which may not be issued through the centre”
(3) a claim against the Crown; hmmm bit of a fix up this huh? Are they above the law? Surely not!!! (you have to laugh)
So we are now going ahead full steam, the run for profit organisation  the "London Borough of Bromley”, "Doug Patterson”, "Ben Stephens” and "K Fraser” are all getting documents from us this coming week, once served, I dont care about their paltry £155.00 I am thinking a whole lot bigger for dishonour of our bankruptcy.
We are also contemplating an action to Subpeona the Permanent Secretary to the Treasury to explain a few things, more on that soon.
All of you out there wishing to try this, start small, do a single one, see it through to the end, win it, learn as you go and build up, some of my friends have gone full bore and AFV’d their lives away, what bothers here is that you get swamped with paperwork.
This process is correct in the bankruptcy of the UK and it will succeed, we who lead the way will bleed for you all, but win we will.
Soon to be available for download is: the bankruptcy Act 1869 and the Debtors Act of the same ilk, you may find it very interesting reading!

Category: Articles | Added by: JennaRose (2013-02-26)
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