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Asserting Your Right To Travel


"License, Registration and Proof Of Insurance Please."

Right to Drive Handout

Choosing to use your Right To Travel comes with consequences. They are supposed to uphold the Constitution, but Police Officers would much rather collect revenue for the System. This is why you must know your common law rights, and how to talk to the cop who pulls you over. First you should establish whether he is operating as a Peace Officer.

Not long ago all law enforcement officers were referred to as "Peace Officers,” but a transition has slowly set in, in which now all peace officers have become known as "Law Enforcement Officers.” To start out, we note that one title contains the word "Peace,” and the other "Enforcement.” The objective of a peace officer is peace, nothing more. Peace is not possible where there is no justice. Said another way, where there is no justice, there can be no peace; and where there is no peace, you can count on the fact that it is because there is no justice. When a peace officer arrives on the scene, his objective is to separate the disputing factors and quell the tension –whether it be a fight between a husband and wife, or feuding neighbors. He has no inherent interest in arresting anyone upon arrival at the scene. Such pursuit of peace is a rewarding objective. The Bible tells us, "Blessed are the peacemakers.” Matt. 5:9.

So now let us discuss a "Law Enforcement Officer.” His interest, as his title indicates, is enforcing the law. Now we have already stated that the objective of all government must be the establishment of peace through justice. So the question now turns to whether law enforcement’s only interest is seeking peace. I state emphatically, "NO!”

A "Law Enforcement Officer” is contending for the interest of those who hire him to "enforce” their "laws/rules” having nothing to do with peace or justice, only with profits for those who have sent him. The objective is greed-oriented.

The term "law enforcement officer” connotates the mentality of a fascist police state that has no interest in peace—just sheer obedience to the interests of the authority that pays him, i.e., he gets a cut of the profits of tyranny. There is no difference in this scenario than a driver of a get-away car receiving part of the "profits” of a bank robbery when splitting up the booty; except the former is a "legal” heist, while the latter an illegal one. The former is accomplished with an official uniform and badge, while the latter with a mask and bag. So now we know why the foreign power, under color of "government,” has purposely designed the extermination of every reference to "peace officers” to metamorphose them into "law enforcement officers.” The objective is designed to subjugate the American People to obedience to an all-powerful, ever-expanding law enforcement police state. 


When you travel you will be harassed by these Law Enforcement Officers, who assume they have jurisdiction over you, and think you have violated a statute.  You are going to have to politely let them know that THEY ARE WRONG. Keep in mind, they are human beings too, and just like you, grew up with being taught by indoctrinated parents, and in public, government run, mind molding factories called schools, so they likely won't know the difference between COMMON LAW and Admiralty Law. I bet they will have no idea what the term "driver" actually means.  They are there to enforce statutes.  However, I am sure you will come across some who truly try to uphold the peace, and would maybe be interested in what you could teach them.  Also keep in mind, that if he is a Law Enforcement Officer, lack of knowledge of the law is GROSS NEGLIGENCE. (You could even inform him of that fact.) And also keep in mind that he might not care, because he only cares about the law he upholds. Remind him of his oath. 


His has a duty to uphold the Constitution.

However, In spite of knowing your rights, there are alot of cops out there that simply won't care, and many of them have now been trained in dealing with sovereigns. They have been trained in gaining jurisdiction over you. Causing you slip up and admit to "driving" is one of them.

For example: You are pulled over, the cop asks "Do you know have fast you were driving". Any admission can give him jurisdiction over you. It gives him EVIDENCE to use against you. This is where you nicely inform him/her that you are not operating a commercial vehicle, therefore are not driving. You can even recite the definition of drive. (It's very helpful to memorize all of the terms).  Ask the cop what authority he has to interupt your travel.  He'll likely recite some violation he thinks you've made, "You were speeding."  "Your tail light is out."  "You don't have a license plate."  etc.  Then ask him under what law he is asserting his presumed authority. He'll say, "The Motor Vehicle Act." Nicely inform him that the Motor Vehicle Act only applies to drivers and motor vehicles

"How does the Motor Vehicle Act give you the authority to violate my rights; and, do that against a natural person exercising his common law right to travel"?

You can ask the Officer who pulls you over:

"Who is the injured party." 

"The State of New Mexico"  The State of New Mexico doesn't exist; New Mexico state exists. Then ask the officer:

"If I were to call the State of Mexico to the stand as the one filing a claim against me, who would show up?" That will be very hard for him to answer.

(yes even STATES have been hijacked by the CORPORATE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT)

It is a FICTION, an entity created by the government. Only flesh and blood living souls can be 'injured'. They are the only ones who can lawfully bring a claim of injury against another sovereign human being.

"So he asked for my drivers license, which I didn't have because having one would grant him immediate jurisdiction over me which, as yet, he didn't have. I asked if I were required to have one and if so, could he provide for me the law which compels me. Later, he did actually show me that statue, "all operaters must be licensed," but I noticed it did not apply to me, nor did it detail any consequences for said 'operator' which also was not I, if this person were not licensed. There was no implementing regulation - the enforcement clause. It was simply one of many traffic codes which apply only to those who thought them upThey have no clout with those of us who don't agree."

"Laws can't compel; they can only protect. If the law doesn't protect me, the law doesn't apply to me. Hence there is only one law, the golden rule and breaking of this law results in the infringement upon the life, liberty, property, or rights of a natural being who has every right to see just compensation for the injury. Everything else is a statute and applies only to those who are subject to them. All codes, regulations, statues, by-laws, and ordinances apply only to those involved within the departments who documented them."

Nonetheless, many of us will still end up with a citation, but a sovereign will know how to get out of it. Either avoiding court entirely, or in court. 

If you wish to go to court to fight a ticket, question the name on the ticket. If that doesn't impress the Traffic Court (administrative - not judicial court) judge, then, after the policeman states his evidence and you are given opportunity to question him/her, say: "NO", I wish to call my own witness". You then name the officer.

Your questions to the officer are (and, these questions can also be asked of the judge): 

1. (If you have the "without prejudice" on your driver's license, have your signature in brackets, or have "trustee" after your signature) Ask him to read the signature on your license. If he doesn't mention it, ask him to note the signature and additions. Again, this should make an impression on the judge.

2. Ask: Do you personally have any cause of action or judgment against me? (His answer has to be: NO.)

3. Ask: Do you know of anyone else who has a cause of action or judgment against me? (The answer has to be: NO.)

As an option, if you feel comfortable in doing so, you may ask additional questions of the officer, such as:

4.  Are you a peace officer? (He has to say "yes".)

5. Was there a breach of the peace on the occasion of your giving me the citation which brings us here today into this court? (He has to say "no".)

6. Under what authority, then, did you impede my travel at (place) on (time and date) and serve me with this citation? (He would have to answer: "The Motor Vehicle Act".)

7. How does the Motor Vehicle Act give you the authority to violate my rights; and, do that against a natural person exercising his common law right to travel? 

8. Are you aware of the definition of "driver" in the? Let me refresh your memory. (Read definition)

9. Sir, did you observe that my car was not a commercial vehicle when you decided to stop me on (date)?

10.  (If you have a license) Do you believe that a driver's license carried by a natural person who is travelling in his/her private conveyance gives any authority to a peace officer to enforce regulations which can only be construed as being enforceable against a person who is operating a commercial vehicle?

You can then turn to the judge and demand that the case be dismissed for want of proper cause; and, demand that the officer and Crown attorney be sanctioned for the criminal act of "breach of trust of a public officer". Otherwise the Judge will dismiss the case.  Once they realize they are dealing with an educated natural person who knows their rights, they will want to dismiss the case quickly, otherwise you are simply educating the court, and any witnesses of their own right to travel.

Driver's licenses are used as a 'guilty plea' and a signed confession of guilt. Police are given "warden" authority; rather than 'peace officer' authority over 'drivers'. The confiscation by the Province or State of the Vehicle Identification Number,  New Vehicle Identification Statement (NVIS) or Manufacturers Certificate of Origin(MCO) of all automobiles sold at the dealer level, and the registration by the Province or State of an automobile gives it the status of a 'legal entity', thus making the owner a 'ward of the Crown' as a confessed criminal (license holder), with the 'privilege' of possession of that automobile. MAKE SURE YOU ALWAYS CARRY A SIGNED BILL OF SALE FOR YOUR VEHICLE.

Vehicle inspection is a procedure used by governments in many countries, in which a vehicle is inspected "to ensure that it conforms to regulations governing safety, emissions, or both." An inspection decal or inspection sticker is placed on the windshield. This is another farce that the government has come up with to rob you of your money. It only applies to motor vehicles. If you wish to travel without the sticker, you can leave the space on the windshield empty, or print out something of your own. Below is an example of something such a tag could say:

Notice:  Exempt From Levy Private Property Outside of the Jurisdiction of the United States. Any Person or Persons Unlawfully Interfering with this property Afflixing PCN's, Attempting to Remove, or Hindering the Owner WILL BE SUED Up to 20,000

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Regarding the driver's license, you would ask a cop: Does this car appear to you to be a commercial vehicle? Under common law, you would only have to prove financial responsibility if you were in an accident and have damage to other property. Most, if not all Provinces have the requirement for insurance to establish financial responsibility; but, that is written within the Motor Vehicle Acts - acts which are only applicable to commercial vehicles, or as they have been doing, applicable to vehicles placed into the trustee ownership of the Crown through vehicle registration

For the "proof of insurance" question, you would ask: Does it appear to you that I have done any damage to any person or property? If the officer tells you that you must sign the ticket, put brackets around your signature (that nullifies your signature). If you are arrested, you can apply for "Haebas Corpus". You will have to, and should, research the use of that right, especially if you are going to de-license. 

Should you choose to avoid some of the hassles you would, no doubt, encounter if you do not register your car, you can sign the registration and put the words "without Prejudice" after your signature. The term "without prejudice" means that you are making no contracts by your act of affixing your signature to that document. This is Uniform Commercial Code. (U.C.C)


§ 1-207. Performance or Acceptance Under Reservation of Rights.

A party who with explicit reservation of rights performs or promises performance or assents to performance in a manner demanded or offered by the other party does not thereby prejudice the rights reserved. Such words as "without prejudice", "under protest" or the like are sufficient.

Category: Articles | Added by: JennaRose (2012-05-31)
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