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Birth Certificate and Registration: What It Really Means

Birth Certificate & Registration, What it Really Means! Sep 29, '09 6:21 PM
for everyone
Bubble #2 - Child Registration

It is a miracle of a time, and when you are all excited about having your baby, the government social worker that works at the hospital will approach you with some registration forms, telling you 'you have to register your baby'. She will hand you a form and on the cover it says in bold language, 'Every Parent must register' and 'After a baby is born every parent must register the birth and legal name of their child'.
Inside it says:
This brochure contains an IMPORTANT form which parents must complete for every baby born in British Columbia. The Registration of Live Birth form is the official Provincial record of the birth and the registration of the child's legal name. Everything you need to complete the form is provided including detailed instructions and a pre-addressed envelope.'
(It is designed to make you believe you have an obligation to register and if you don't the law will get involved and you will be in big trouble.)

Next paragraph reads:
By law, you must register the birth and legal name of your child within 30 days of the birth. Naming a child and registering the birth are your important responsibilities because registration is the only way of creating a permanent legal record of a person's birth. There is no fee to register a baby's birth so long as it is registered within 30 days. Simply fill in the registration form and mail it in the envelope provided, or bring it to any BC Vital Statistics Agency office. See back cover of this brochure for our office locations and telephone numbers.

(It is designed to make you believe you have an obligation to register and if you don't the law will get involved and you will be in big trouble.)

It then states:
At the same time as you complete the mandatory Registration of Live Birth form, you have the option of ordering a birth certificate for your newborn.

Now lets take a very close look at what they are actually saying.

This brochure contains an IMPORTANT form which parents must complete for every baby born in British Columbia. – this tells us ONLY the parents can complete it. The government cannot do it on your behalf. They use the word 'must'. Notice they do not use the word 'obligated' or 'obliged'. Must is a very tricky legal word, and when you find out its true meaning in a later bubble is burst, you will see what I mean. Here they use the word 'baby'. They are referring to the human being; blood, flesh and bone vessel of the spirit.

The Registration of Live Birth form is the official Provincial record of the birth and the registration of the child's legal name. - Here they tell you the form is the Provincial record. Not yours. Theirs. They have also now slipped in the word 'child' instead of 'baby'. The reason is, there is no doubt in law what a baby is; there is ambiguity when you start using words like 'child'. The 'child', legally is the 'person'. Notice how also they tell you that you will be creating a 'legal name'. Not a lawful name, but a legal one. There is a big difference between the two, and it is one bubble that will be burst in following chapters.
By law, you must register the birth and legal name of your child within 30 days of the birth. Again the word 'must'. And why must you do it within 30 days? What exactly is the penalty for registering late? Notice also the use of the words 'child' and 'legal name'. Naming a child and registering the birth are your important responsibilities because
registration is the only way of creating a permanent legal record of a person's birth. - Now the trap is almost shut.
'Responsibility' refers not to what one is obliged to do, but who is to blame after the fact. Notice here also how they are using not the word 'baby' nor 'child' to describe your offspring, they are using the word 'person' and they may not be describing your offspring at all. They tell you straight out, by using the word 'person', that you will be creating a permanent one. There is no fee to register a baby's birth so long as it is registered within 30 days. – Ah-Ha! Here is why you have to do it within 30 days! To avoid paying a filling fee! Wow so scary! That is why they can get away with using the word must when there are no actual obligations.
Next paragraph, we find this:
At the same time as you complete the mandatory Registration of Live Birth form, you have the option of ordering a birth certificate for your newborn. –They also use the term 'mandatory'. Notice what it is referring to; it is referring to the noun not the verb. The action is not mandatory; the form is, if you choose to register. Now we also apparently have some sort of option about ordering a Birth Certificate. Ask yourself this, if you have an option now, what makes you think you didn't have one to begin with? Do you think they have an obligation to tell you what all your options are?
Here is the biggest question of all: If what they are selling is such a good thing, why do they use so much obvious deception to get us to buy it?

So this is essentially what is happening. When you register your offspring, you are creating a legal entity, or person, you are associating that person with your offspring and then you are abandoning that entity to the government, who appears to be seizing it under the laws of maritime commerce. This 'person' is in fact chattel property and can and is used for collateral on loans. Your registered baby is in fact a form of pledge and is worth a lot of money. Also, if they ever come for your baby acting under some legislation, it is that chattel property they are acting upon, not your offspring. But because it was all done apparently lawfully and legally, and you maintain the association between that entity and your baby, they have the right to affect your offspring. The Birth Certificate is not just evidence of the birth; it is evidence that you have abandoned the king of documents: the Record of Live Birth. They will not accept a certified and notarized true copy of the original. Nope, they need the original itself.
Imagine creating a raincoat for your offspring, the record of creating that raincoat and evidence of ownership you give to your neighbour. He then comes over and claims the right to remove the coat, with your child still in it. That is exactly the legal mechanism they use to remove our offspring.

BIRTH. The act of being born or wholly brought into separate existence. Black's 1st. See Note, and Note at birth record.
Note: A man or a woman is "born," straw men are "wholly brought into separate existence." Each event qualifies as a "birth." The birth certificate documents a muddied mixture of the two events that allows the system to both claim that it is "your" birth certificate yet also claim to hold title to (not ownership of) the corporately colored straw man.
BIRTH CERTIFICATE. A formal document which certifies as to the date and place of one's birth and a recitation of his or her parentage, as issued by an official in charge of such records. Furnishing of such is often required to prove one's age. Black's 6th. See Note, birth, birth record, document of title, field warehouse receipt, bond.
Note: A birth certificate is a negotiable instrument, a registered security, a stock certificate evidencing, or representing, the preferred stock of the corporation and against which you are the surety; it is a pedigree chattel document establishing the existence of your straw man, a distinct artificial person with a fictitious name; it is a document of title to a straw man; it is a warehouse receipt for your body; delivery receipt; industrial bond between you (flesh-and-blood
man or woman) and the industrial society and corporate US Government (artificial person).
In Canada, the original birth certificate is generally created at the PROVINCIAL level (in rare instances city level) via birth documents from the hospital (for which the hospital receives $$$ from the PROVINCE for causing the registration of the birth) and passed to the Provincial and Federal levels, and likely elsewhere. Per the definition of "birth" above, the document references both the newborn and the straw man. Certified copies of the birth certificate may be obtained at the Vital Statistics Office. Your birth certificate is one of the kinds of security instruments used by the Government to obtain loans from its creditor, under which it is bankrupt.
According to a researcher who worked on a research project for one of the world's largest brokerage houses he discovered that in the year 1936 each American birth certificate was assigned a value of $630,000.00. The investigative journalist's report beginning on page xxiii confirms that (new) birth certificates today carry a value of $1,000,000.00 and that upon notification of the receipt of a new birth certificate at the Ministry of Finance, it takes out a loan for $1-million and purchases a bond, then invests the funds in either the stock market or bond market. The collateral for the loan for the bond issued against the birth certificate is you; i.e. your body, labor, and property. A man in Santa Barbara, California who obtained his original birth certificate from the Department of Commerce some years ago via a Freedom of Information Act request reported the endorsements of 17 different foreign countries thereon. There may also be other types of birth documents used by the Government, or others, to obtain loans/credit.
BIRTH RECORD. Official statistical data concerning dates and places of persons' birth, as well as parentage, kept by local government officials. Black's 1st. See Note, birth certificate.
Note: Under "birth certificate" the definition refers to "one's birth," and under "birth record" the definition refers to "persons' birth." "One" means flesh-and-blood man or woman; "person" means artificial or juristic person. See individual.

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.
Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642)

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire (1694 - 1778)

Maxims: If you know not the name of a thing, all knowledge of that thing perishes.
The name is the note of a thing.
At the same time as you complete the mandatory Registration of Live Birth form, you have the option of ordering a birth certificate for your newborn.


All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.
Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642)

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire (1694 - 1778)

Maxims: If you know not the name of a thing, all knowledge of that thing perishes.The name is the note of a thing.

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