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Notice of Non-Appearance
(Note: Serve this NOTICE on "Agencies", extortionists, Captors,
Pirates; Ransomers, "Jailers", or "police" - not on Court)


"I did NOT "understand", - if and when I did sign anything, and you have to prove I did understand". (See Garrett v. Moore McCormack Co.)

"An Appearance induced by Fraud (legal coercion, physical duress, or fictitious party) has no efficacy" (Stultz v. Stultz, 94A.2d 527, 24 N.J.Super, 354, 6 C.J.S. ยง18)

per Court Rule 12 (b) (1) "MOTION TO DISMISS due to lack of jurisdiction. (Do NOT touch the issue)

"Holding or detaining beyond 48 hours without "charging" or "booking" is unlawful" per COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE vs. McLAUGHLIN 111 S.Ct 1661 (1991)

1. U.S. vs. IKE KOZMINSKY et al 487 US 931, 934 (no involuntary servitude)

2. GARRETT vs. MOORE-McCORKACK Co. 317 U.S. 238 (no full understanding = no meeting of minds = no intent)

3. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE vs. McLAUGHLIN 111 S.Ct 1661 (1991) (No incarceration beyond 48 hours without "charging" or "booking")

4. MIRANDA vs. ARIZONA 384 U.S. 436 "You have the right to remain silent (and NOT make "Appearance" by a statement) or the court will appoint a Lawyer for you, who will make an "Appearance" for you and grant the Court "Jurisdiction" for you.

Note: We must file with Court: 1. "OBJECTION TO JURISDICTION" (failure to (object] reserve your rights,- waives your rights).

2. "DEMAND TO DISMISS" due to lack of jurisdiction (no consent to use "Code") and denial of "Due Process" therefor, due to no "consent". (per Court Rule 12 (b) (1) MOTION TO DISMISS -no jurisdiction)



real live flesh and blood Natural Man
Private Party Foreign State

Non "corporate fiction person subject"

Category: Articles | Added by: JennaRose (2012-06-05)
Views: 1180 | Rating: 0.0/0
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