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Policy Enforcement Officers

Policy Enforcement Officers

No "Policy Enforcment"/ "Revenue Collection" officer ("Police") has the power to "Arrest" you. They can only "apprehend" and "detain" you for up to 2 hours - during which time they must take you before you a "Court Officer" for "probably Cause" Hearing. It is the Commissioner/Judge/ magistrate's job to determine whether the government has sufficient evidence to "charge" or prosecute you. It is at the "Court Officer's Office" that the detainment is converted into an actual "Arrest."

In order to become a "Party" to a Law suit or "Case" - governments must "trick" you (without the first 48 hours after "Arrest" at the "court commissioner's/Justice of Peace's/Judge's Office) By making "Appearance" - you become "a party" to the case as "Defendant".


1) You must give them your Name. Until YOU voluntarily state your Name - they must write the fictious name "John Doe" on their papers." Even if they already know you. Even if they have found a "Driver License" with the ALL CAPITAL LETTER fictitious name duplicate to yours,- they can not make the tie-in. They have to trick you into stating your name to them, or they must trick you where:

2) You must agree to post a "Bail-Bond." or

3) You "sign" something (Signature="Consent to be regulated") or

4) You must agree to accept an "Attorney" to "Represent" you, or

5) You must enter a Plea of "Not Guilty" or "Guilty" or

6) You discuss, address or mention any facts about the case, or

7) You must say or write something (anything) favorable to your position or un-Favorable to the Plaintiff's position, (traverse).

8) You say or write anything admitting that there is a "case" [The presumption being - if it is not Your 'case', why would you even acknowledge it?] By acknowledging that there even is a "case" - you must be a "party" to that case - you just made an "Appearance"

According to C.J.S. the only way to defeat being tricked into making "Appearance" is to challenge "In Personam" jurisdiction and NOTHING ELSE. The (geographical) physical location "Venue" jurisdiction, and "Subject matter" "In Rem" (contract in commerce) jurisdiction of the Court, arise by "Operation of Law." (Case entry)

If they "Arrest" you and "take you in" don't EVER give your name. To do so, is to voluntarily enter into a contract with the court - and you have made an "appearance" in the "case". Exercise your "Miranda" "Right to remain silent." and DON'T SIGN ANYTHING (No bond papers, no finger print card, no photograph card, no 'personal effects voucher, etc)

Also - if they "Arrest" you - have a friend (after the 49th hour) serve the "Riverside vs. McLaughlin Law Suit" on the Plaintiff "STATE OF ______ and District Prosecuting Attorney, and the "Keepers" at the jail (or wherever they are holding you.) They will contract their "Lawyer" to ask about it. He will advise them to let you out, immediately, rather than to face additional damages from the "Law Suit."

When in Court - When they ask you a question, Any question, you can say NOTHING. DOn't give, write, or SAY your name. When they ask "What is your name" Say "I am not 'authorized' to sign anything" When they ask you a question (such as what is your name) say "I don't have enough information or knowledge to form a responsive answer" or "I object" or "I don't understand" (To "understand" is to "stand" under; be subordinate; be 'subject to.)

Note: If the Judge enters a Plea (for you) of "Not Guilty", You must ask "Is that an "Administrative" decision or a "Judicial Decision" When he says Judicial (or both) You say "On the record" "Thank you, your honor, for the Acquittal that I am "Not Guilty" and Walk out of the court, Do not say anything else to ANYONE, simply WALK OUT.

If he orders the bailiff or other 'court officer' to apprehend you, or you 'will be in contempt of court".. say "If you are not going to honor your own decision - I hereby serve NOTICE of Appeal" (State vs. Adams, K-Mart Corp vs. Salmon, "Malicious Prosecution", and "Abuse of Process")

Category: Articles | Added by: JennaRose (2012-05-23)
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