Redemption Success Traffic Win
REDEMPTION SUCCESS TRAFFIC WIN! This is traffic case, in Lincoln County in Oregon State. On November 22, 1999, at about 10:00. I was sitting in my pickup just off of highway 20, looking across a field at a U--Haul truck, when a Sheriff's Deputy pulled up to the Mail Box across the road from me. He waited till I left, then followed me to my turn off & stopped me with all the flashing lights! He issued a ticket for driving while suspended for $295.00. He then recognized me by sight from a traffic stop & arrest a few years back.
On December 8, 1999, was arraignment, but that was to no avail, as the Judge said "to look for a letter for a date for trial!" Trial date was set for March 9, 2000, in Courtroom 302, at 8:30 a.m., with Judge Bennett. This date was over three months later. I had done my paper work ahead telling the Judge "I would be there in special visitation & that I had a superior claim in this matter."
At one point during the proceeding in the trial, the Judge said the paper work was immaterial but he had read it." Present in the Courtroom there was my wife, a friend, the Judge, the Clerk, the Sheriff Deputy, & myself. Time allotted for this trial was from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. The Sheriffs Deputy was the first in the Courtroom, then my wife & I. We chatted for awhile with the deputy, as the Judge was late, my friend entered & the Judge & Clerk then entered & the trial began. The Judge swore the deputy in & asked him to proceed with what had happened. Then the Judge addressed me; I was not in the bar. At this point I asked the Judge, "may I have your name?" Judge says, "you know my name," I asked again for his name, Judge says, "Fredrick L. Benno". I then said, "I'm here in Special Visitation & my name is, capital "M" lower case "a", "c", capital "E" lower case, etc". The judge asked me if I would come into the bar, I asked him "are you ordering me in?" He asked me again, & I went past the bar & sat down. At that point I went through my scenario on my appearance & name again, Judge asked me "do you want to ask the deputy any questions?" The judge swore me in first under the penalties of perjury. First question was, "do you have a claim against me?" Deputy's response was, "I don't know how to answer that." Second question, "do you have a claim against me?" Deputy's response, "I can't answer that!" My response, "its either yes or no!" Deputy said "maybe the State of Oregon!" At this point I was a little huffy & very loud, I said, "I want the STATE OF OREGON on that stand so I can cross examine the STATE OF OREGON!"
Nothing happened, at that point, so I said it again, nothing happened, then I said "I'm not in privity with my STRAWMAN & I have an aggregate relationship with the STRAWMAN, does anyone have a claim against me or any one in this courthouse have a claim against Me?" "My business is finished here & I want the Order of the court", things happened very fast after I said that. The Judge says, "Mister Fournier, there is no proof that this infraction was committed in LINCOLN COUNTY, case dismissed!" This all took less than 15 minutes. The entry on the REGISTER says, "Failure Establish Venue!"
Category: Articles | Added by: JennaRose (2012-06-01)
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