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Registration and Licensing
Registration   Most people believe that when they buy a new car that they have to register it (in Britain, with the commercial company known as the "Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency").   What very few people are aware of is the fact that the act of applying for registration actually transfers the physical ownership of the vehicle from you the purchaser who paid the money, to the Licensing Authority who licenced the vehicle.   That is, you have just given the vehicle away to a commercial company who has done nothing at all for you and which does not have your best interests at heart.   As it is unlawful to swindle anyone, I would be most interested to hear any reason whatsoever as to why this registration should not be deemed to be unlawful as I can't think of any reason or basis why this should not be considered blatant and obvious fraud, and there has certainly not been full disclosure of the terms of the contract. 

The change of ownership is shown by the fact that you, the previous owner, are now sent a document stating that you are now "the Registered Keeper" of the vehicle which you have just bought.   You are left to pay for maintaining the vehicle which you do not own, and the actual owner can, and will, destroy the vehicle (which cost the owner nothing) if you, the 'Registered Keeper' do not keep on paying for the use of the vehicle.   Destroying the vehicle would be unlawful if the vehicle did not belong to the company doing the destroying. 

The vehicle will be crushed if the "Road Tax" is not paid.   That 'tax' is substantial and was originally introduced as a fund contributed to by the drivers of vehicles, in order to build new roads for those vehicles to drive on, and to maintain all existing roads.   That was a very reasonable idea, and it means that all the roads in the country belong to the people who paid the money for them to be built and repaired. 

That Road Tax Fund has been hi-jacked and I have seen reports that state that 85% of that money is taken for other things which are in no way related to roads or driving.   Local Authorities say that they can't maintain roads properly as they do not have sufficient funds to do the work.   The 'Road Tax' is increased for vehicles with large engines on the laughable excuse that they burn more fuel and so contribute more to global warming.   The real reason for the increase is, as ever, just a method of taking more money from people who have no idea what is going on.   There is even a proposal now, that motorists be charged for every mile that they drive along the roads which they paid for and own. 

That, of course, is not the only stream of income from vehicles.   A major source of income is from the massive 'tax' on fuel for vehicles, and it has been stated that an incredible 85% of the selling price is the proportion which is not needed for the location, extraction, processing and delivery of the actual fuel.   In passing it can be remarked that vehicles can be run on water, compressed air, energy direct from the environment, permanent magnets, and even on gravity.   It, no doubt, will come as a great shock to you that the inventors who have done this have disappeared suddenly as soon as they started testing their prototypes.   Far fetched?   I personally know five people who have been told to "cease and desist - or else".   When you understand the billions and billions in profit which are made through selling oil products, actions like that become very understandable, especially since the people who do these things own the police forces and courts and so they know that there will be no comeback no matter what they do. 

You would think that there could be no further money to be squeezed out of the person who buys a car, but that is not the case.   There are two further major charges.   The first is an import duty on vehicles brought into the country from outside and that can be a substantial amount.   The second is a most damaging charge called "Value Added Tax" in Britain and "Sales Tax" elsewhere.   That tax is at present, 17.5% and forms a major increase in the selling price of almost everything.   No matter how much your earned income is taxed, the remainder will be used to make purchases, almost all of which will be taxed themselves and the components used in their manufacture, transport and advertising are themselves taxed, raising the price even further.   When these things are taken into account, it has been estimated that 80% of a person's earnings is taken away by the various taxes and other unnecessary charges.   Professional economists have stated that the supposedly-free people living in 'democratic' Britain are actually substantially worse off than the 'serf' slaves of earlier times - so much for 'freedom' ! 

So, what about the Driving Licence or in America, the Driver's Licence?   Under Common Law, humans have the right to travel freely and these days, that includes using a vehicle when travelling.   The Legalese people want to persuade you that you are no longer a "Traveller" under Common Law, but instead, you are a "Driver" subject to their statutes, and they demand that a "Driver" must have a driving licence, car tax, car insurance, and anything else that they can think up.   If you wish to live in freedom and somebody asks to see your licence (which would have been issued by your 'begging' for the supply of one and so subjecting yourself voluntarily to their authority by doing so), then the question is "Why would I want one of those?". 

A driving licence is only needed for the driver of a vehicle which is taking part in commerce.   It can be argued that transporting a strawman is a commercial undertaking, so it would be advisable not to have anything related to a strawman with you.   It is also very important not to give your name, address or (supposed) date of birth or to show any form of ID as that places you in a position of voluntary submission by:
(a) Obeying the command of another human being (who is of equal standing to you) and/or 
(b) Associating yourself with, and consequently representing, a strawman who is automatically subject to all statutes, being itself, a legal fiction and part of that fictional world. 

So, if you are not carrying a passenger who is paying for the journey and you are not stopping off on the journey to sell things and you are not transporting a strawman, then you are not a "Driver" with a "Passenger", but instead, you are a "Traveller" with a "Guest" if you are accompanied by a human who is not a "person" and who is not carrying a strawman around with him.   Travellers do not need a driving licence. 

Category: Articles | Added by: JennaRose (2013-04-05)
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