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U.C.C, A4V and the Commerce Game

Accepted for Value - Uniform Commercial Code

In order for you to grasp an understanding of how to use the Accepted for Value" process and the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and the remedy given to us to "discharge debt" we have to study The History of How We Were Put Into the "Commerce Game”
On April 5, 1933, then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, under Executive Order, issued April 5, 1933, declared: "All persons are required to deliver on or before May 1, 1933 all Gold Coin, Gold Bullion, and Gold Certificates now owned by them to a Federal Reserve Bank, panch or agency, or to any member bank of the Federal Reserve System."
So that we can once again place the STRAWMAN in the fictional world and ourselves in the real world (with all our "shields" in place against fictional government) we must send a nonnegotiable (private) "Charge Back" and a nonnegotiable "Bill of Exchange" to the United States Secretary of Treasury, along with a copy of our birth certificate, the evidence, the MCO, of the STRAWMAN By doing this we discharge our portion of the public debt, releasing US, the real man, from the debts, liabilities and obligations of the STRAWMAN Those debts, liabilities and obligations exist in the fictional commercial world of "book entries", on computers and/or in paper ledgers. It is a world of "digits" and "notes", not of money and substance. Property of the real man once again becomes tax exempt and free from levy, as it must be in accord with HJR-192.
Sending the nonnegotiable Charge Back and Bill of Exchange accesses our Treasury Direct Account (TDA). What is our Treasury Direct Account? According to one theorist, it is a pledge that was made for each birth certificate in the amount of $630,000 (another pegs it at $1,000,000). Thus everybody and everything in the United States is simply collateral for the bonds issued by the U.S. government.
This $1,000,000 (one million) account is for the STRAWMAN, the fictional "person" with the name in all caps and/or last name first. It is there for the purpose of making book entries, to move figures, "digits" from one side of ledgers to the other. Without constant movement a shark will die and quite ironically, like the shark, there must also be constant movement in commerce, or it too will die. Figures, digits, the entries in ledgers must move from asset side to debit side and back again, or commerce dies. No movement, no commerce.
The fictional person of government can only function in a fictional commercial world, one where there is no real money, only fictional funds ... mere entries, figures, and digits.
A presentment from fictional government -from traffic citation to criminal charges -is a negative, commercial "claim" against the STRAWMAN This "claim" takes place in the commercial, fictional world of government. "Digits" move from one side of your STRAWMAN account to the other, or to a different account. This is today's commerce.
What if we learned how to control the flow and movement of entries, figures, and digits, for our own benefit? Is that possible? How can the real man in the real world, function in the fictional world in which the commerce game exists?

When in commerce do as commerce does, use the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)? The UCC-1 Financing Statement is the one contract in the world that can NOT be poken and it's the foundation of the Accepted for Value process. The power of this document is awesome.
First, by activating the TDA we gain limited control over the funds in the account. This allows us to also move entries, figures, and digits ... for OUR benefit.Secondly, by properly filing an UCC-1 Financing Statement we can become the 
holder in due course of the STRAWMAN This gives us virtual ownership of the government created entity.
If they don't adjust the account a request is made for the bookkeeping records showing where the funds in question were assigned. This is done by requesting the Fiduciary Tax Estimate and the Fiduciary Tax Return for this claim. Since the claim has been accepted for value and is prepaid, and our TDA account is exempt from levy, the request for the Fiduciary Tax Estimate and the Fiduciary Tax Return is valid because the information is necessary in determining who is delinquent and/or making claims on the account. If there is no record of the Fiduciary Tax Estimate and the Fiduciary Tax Return, we then request the individual tax estimates and individual tax returns to determine if there is any delinquency.
Since the Treasury Direct Account (TDA) exists for the STRAWMAN - who, until now, has been controlled by government - We can gain control (and ownership) of the STRAWMAN by first activating the TDA and then filing an UCC-1 Financing Statement. This does two things for US.

Remember earlier we mentioned that a presentment from government or one of its agents or agencies was a negative commercial claim against the STRAWMAN (and the STRAWMAN's account, the TDA)? Remember we told you entries, figures, and digits moved from one side of the account to the other, or to a different account? Well now, with the STRAWMAN under our control, government has no access to the TDA and they also lose their go-between, their liaison, their "connection" to the real, living man and woman. From now on, when presented with a "claim" (presentment) from government, we will agree with it (this removes the "controversy") and we will ACCEPT IT FOR VALUE. By doing this we remove the negative claim against our account and become the "holder in due course" of the presentment. As holder in due course you can require the sworn testimony of the presenter of the "claim" (under penalty of perjury) and request the account be properly adjusted.

It's a commercial undertaking, and the basic procedure is not complicated. In fact, it's fairly simple. We just have to remember a few things, like: this is commerce, and we play by the rules of commerce. We accept the "claim", become the holder in due course, and challenge whether or not the presenter of the claim had/has the proper authority (the Order) to make the claim (debit our account) in the first place. When they cannot produce the Order (they never can, it was never issued) we request the account be properly adjusted and the charge, the "claim” is discharged and goes away.

If we receive no favorable response to the above requests, we will then file a currency report on the amount claimed/assessed against our account and begin the commercial process that will force them to either do what's required or lose everything they own - except for the clothing they are wearing at the time. This is the power of contracts (commerce) and it should be mentioned, at least this one time, that a contract overrides the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and any other document other than another contract. We should also mention that no process of law -"color" of law under present codes, statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances, etc. - can operate upon you, no agent and/or agency of government (including courts) can gain jurisdiction over you, WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT. You, (we) are not within their fictional commercial venue.

The Accepted for Value process, however, gives us the ability to deal with "them" -through the use of our transmitting utility/go-between, the STRAWMAN -and hold them accountable in their own commercial world, for any action(s) they attempt to take against us. Without a proper Order, and now we know they're not in possession of such a document, they must leave us alone ... or pay the consequences.

Yes, this process IS powerful.

Yes, it CAN set us free from government oppression and control.

What are the Steps for Laying the Groundwork to Discharge Debt?

1) Properly filing a UCC-1 form to establish a public record that you are not the STRAWMAN and in fact are the holder-in-due-course of it.  This is the single most important tool in your tool bag because this alone changes the presumption of law from the side of the STATE to your side;

2) Making yourself the Power of Attorney over the corporate fiction.

3) Copyrighting the STRAWMAN's name.  This doesn't just give you another defensive strategy - it gives you a very important offensive weapon, because from this point on, anyone who is coming after your STRAWMAN for anything without your permission is trespassing on your commercial property.

4) Properly filing your Public Notice and Surety Bond.

5) Properly filing these documents in your County Recorders Office.

Note: The five steps above will take about 90 days to complete because of the filing at the Secretary of Treasury in Washington D.C. and filing in your County Recorders Office.

You've possibly heard of the term "judicial immunity" a judge has, or so-called "unlimited immunity" a clerk or a policeman or an IRS agent has protected by his or her agency.  Well, it hardly exists at all.  The only immunity any agent has is when they are within their jurisdiction, and they have no jurisdiction over you the real live person.

Yes, This Process IS Powerful.

No process of law—"color" of law under present codes, statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances, etc.—can operate upon you; no agent and/or agency of government, including courts, can gain jurisdiction over you, without your consent! You do not exist within their fictional commercial venue.

Finally, you have the information you need to know who you are, (the real living flesh and blood man/woman) and understand who the STRAWMAN (fiction) is and take on full liability and responsibility for your actions. You will stop being a victim of government oppression and legal system corruption and understand how to live freely within the fictional commercial venue.

Yes, it CAN set us free from government oppression and control.

What can you do about it? We have the answer, and all the documents and information you will need to complete the process.

Category: Articles | Added by: JennaRose (2012-05-23)
Views: 4870 | Comments: 2 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 2
2 Dexter Butler  
Can I buy a car are truck with out filing my ucc 123. Using my a4v.

1 bobby  
I would love a walk through on how to do my UCC. I've been wanting to do this for while but i have putting it off. will you help?

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